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[vdr] Re: Again: Audio out via Soundcard schrieb:
The question remains - how do I re-route the "analog" sound (i.e. not the
5.1 AC3) to my soundcard's output? I suspect that the DVB card's analog
circuitry produces the noise. When I use the VDR as an MP3 player using
MP3OSS and the soundcard, there is little if any noise.
i can fully agree on that, im quite jealous at my friend runnig a nova
with xine plugin, he has superb dolby-suround stereo sound, while i
suffer from to flat sound, so i tried what you want.

i found a way, install the AC3overDVB patch and assign dummy values
to the ac3 pid, use '-a "a52dec -o ossdolby"' as vdr option, this way you get the decoded pcm, which gets directed to a52dec, which can handle raw pcm, as well as changes in the stream and uses almost no cpu power.

you can also use -o oss6 for a42dec, if you have a 6-chan sound card.

This is dirty and you need some other was to control volume, i use irexec and aumix, but that depends.

Regards Onno

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