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[vdr] Re: problems compiling/installing mplayer plugin WAS: Re: Mplayer-plugin output blocky..

Hi Patrick,

Patrick Cernko wrote on Tue, Dec 02 2003:

>>The problems in installation that still persist are - still have no
>>idea why the mplayer-plugin works if I start runvdr from a console,
>>but doesn't work if runvdr is run from /etc/inittab (it runs as root,
>>secure, no, works, yes) (it's set to slave mode)

I experience the exact same thing: if runvdr gets started via
/etc/init.d/vdr script, I cannot access any files with mplayer plugin.
mplayer returns no output, but RC=1 and subsequently fails.

No file-/directory-permissions are successful.

However if I stop/restart runvdr as "root", everything works just

>Strange. That's also anoying. I start vdr by a selfmade init-script
>which runs runvdr in a screen (see its man-page).

I'm still dazzled, I suspect the scripts in /etc/init.d/ are executed
as a different user then root (it's Debian stable).

>Maybe I will publish my init-mechanism on my website.

Please do so, it might help me too.

>>- I have fair chance of having VDR messed up when returning from
>>playing an AVI. There's television picture but VDR doesn't respond to
>>LIRC, so I have to kill VDR manually; that's easy as by now it's
>>running on a console

I experience the same thing, but not frequently. Only sometimes the
effects occur, but then I also get kernel-oops and segfaults trying to
stop/restart vdr after mplayer.

Kind regards  Frederick

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