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[vdr] Announce: Master-Timer 0.6.0


Master-Timer is an utility to automatically create timers according to a
configuration that is matched against the epg-data.

As of Master-Timer 0.6.0 a VDR-Version of >=1.2.0 is required.
It is tested with 1.2.6(me) & 1.3.17(2 testers)

This version introduces some changes to some .dat-files, if you want the
possibility to revert back to an older master-timer version you have to
backup or remove the ".dat"-files when you do this!

The new version should automatically ignore "old" .dat-files.
If you get errors then you should try again after deleting

- VPS-Support for >= VDR 1.3
- Channel-Handling reorganized
  Internaly master-timer now uses VDRs believe of a channel (see vdr.5)
- New Option in torecord "bouquet"(VDR >=1.3(.16), or with 1.2 if you manually
  change the channels.conf)
- New Option in torecord "source"(Satellite, this works with VDR >= 1.2)
- New config-option "preventdouble", which tries to prevent creating a
  timer if the title & time matches on 2 (or more) different channels (e.g.
  german third programs)
- Scripts to convert between "slow" & "fast" storage
- Script ( to show contents of a "fast" stored .dat-file
  (e.g. " timer.dat | less" to look into the timer.dat)

- IDs are now correctly generated
- Closing the socket is now done "explicitly" and via an "END"-Block, seems
  there are Perl-Version in the wild that don't execute END-Blocks
- Channel-matching is now done again long & short channel-name (VDR >= 1.3.16)

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, 
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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