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[vdr] poison flag? (was: Re: [vdr]vdr-1.3.17-safe-threading-patches-rev3.diff vdr-xine-0.6.1configurableLNBshare-VDR_1.3.17.patch : GREAT) Favre)  11.12.04 09:56

>It would be great if the vdr-1.3.17-safe-threading-patches-rev3.diff
>(maybe without poison) 

Maybe with a make/configure flag: "WITHOUT_POISON"
Default should be "with poison", so the user has a fair
chance to realize that he is begging for trouble.

Too that would avoid that plugins uses those functions.

>and configurableLNBshare-VDR_1.3.17.patch could 
>go to the vdr-1.3.18...


The configurableLNB_share patch is now not only useful 
for the "poor" guys with only a half LNB ;-)

But maybe there is more "systematic"/"general" solution, 
for example like sources.conf?
But currently it's OK and seems to be usable for more than two users...

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