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[vdr] [FINAL TESTING]: text2skin 1.0-rc1

Hi list,

after a long phase of public testing on I'd like to announce 
the first release candidate to the public.


Demo-Skins (Aluminium, HighTech256 and EgalSimple):

all three not 100% accurate...

Public CVS:
cvs login
cvs co text2skin

 * Redesigned, XML-based rendering engine (no additional libs required!)
 * Support for Functions and assembled texts
 * New format allows differenciated skin-designs including logos
 * TrueType-Font Support (thanks to Lars Tegeler)
 * On-the-fly image scaling and reducing (thanks to Lars Tegeler)
 * Blinking and scrolling text items

 * Convert old skins (goes to the maintainers)
 * Comparing speed (see also the flag DIRECTBLIT atthe top of screen.h)

The Plugin contains a script contrib/, which can help convert an 
old skin to the new format. But the result will be erroneous and far from 
perfect! Please refer to the three demo skins, the documentation included in 
the Docs directory, or the vdr-wiki how to correct those errors. Text2Skin 
should print in the syslog what went wrong and where it happened.

There are conversions of the lightblue skins available at

Other skins in  the 1.0 format are on their way, and believe me they look 
great, and get the most out of unmodified DVB-cards :-)

Have fun,

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