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[vdr] Re: [FINAL TESTING]: text2skin 1.0-rc1

Rainer Zocholl wrote: Schmidinger)  03.01.05 10:51

Laz wrote:

On Sunday 02 Jan 2005 23:11, Sascha Volkenandt wrote:

I had to reorder the header files in loader.c for it to compile with
a poisoned vdr-1.3.17. Basically, just move

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>

to the top of the include list and it compiles fine.

Just for the record: there will be _no_ poisoning in the official VDR source.

Because VDR will no longer use any non-threadsafe library functions!

Do you like to hunt phantom errors and like unreliability? ;-)

I don't see no reason to place such mean booby traps for the
other programmers in the code/make file.

So what's the reason to allow the usage of non threadsafe non
reentrant libray call in a heavily multi threaded environment?
Since VDR won't use any non threadsafe library functions, what
would be the point in "poisoning"?


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