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[vdr] Re: Default video dir Koch)  15.01.05 14:50

Once upon a time "Carsten Koch " shaped the electrons to say...

>Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>>>And I never should have agreed to implement that /video0 crap in
>>>the first place!
>> Why?

>It became obsolete when Klaus implemented subdirectories.


>See the thread "Drop support for multiple video dirs" of October 2003:


>In particular my mail of Fri, 03 Oct 2003 16:04:26 +0200:


>I vote for dropping it.

you wrote: 

|vdr /home/cko> ls -l /video
|total 5504
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          14 2003-04-05 05:22 Action ->/video2/Action
|drwxr-xr-x   35 cko      users        4096 2003-09-29 00:22 Comedy
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          19 2003-04-15 22:05 Fantasy ->/video4/vdr/Fantasy
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          14 2003-04-05 05:22 Horror ->/video3/Horror
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          12 2003-04-05 05:22 Kids ->/video3/Kids
|drwxr-xr-x    8 cko      users         140 2003-09-23 01:23 Misc
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          13 2003-04-05 05:22 Music ->/video3/Music
|drwxr-xr-x   13 cko      users        4096 2003-10-03 02:39 SciFi
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          15 2003-04-05 05:22 Science ->/video2/Science
|lrwxrwxrwx    1 cko      users          16 2003-04-05 05:22 Thriller -> /video3/Thriller
|-rw-r--r--    1 cko      users     5625013 2003-10-03 15:55


That's *far* better!

I feared to ask: i would like to have had only that ESA recording 
on the extra (removable) disc so i could share it with colleages
(my USB-Memory stick is too small, and burning 10 DVDs per set 
is no joke too.) 

The above linkinging would have allowed it.

Now i have the problem, that other recordings are meanwhile
written to that temp disc too and i would have to cleanup the
main disc manually if i want to copy them back.

>At the same time VDR should become conscious about the situation
>I described in the above mail and consider the space left
>on the proper disk rather than running amok on all disks
>if one of them runs out of space (happened to me in the past).

That's another *good* point.

Too this way the timer edit menu could be extended 
"Record at " !


I withdraw my first suggestion and suggest:


remove "how to use /video0" from documentation "INSTALL"

-at least- mark it *fat* as as "do not use" and 
document the much easier way with linking per subdir!

VDR should warn in the logfile when it uses "videoN"
and suggest using linked subdirectories.


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