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[linux-dvb] /etc/modules.conf for Hauppauge WinTV Nexus-s


I've added the following lines from DVB/driver/modules.conf to my /etc/modules.conf. And then executed depmod -a.

probeall /dev/dvb dvb-ttpci
alias /dev/dvb/* /dev/dvb
below dvb-ttpci alps_bsru6 alps_bsrv2 grundig_29504-401
add below dvb-ttpci grundig_29504-491 ves1820 alps_tdmb7 alps_tdlb7

But the only way for me to get the driver modules running after a restart of the computer is to
make insmod

My /var/log/messages contains these lines after a restart of the computer:

modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-81-0
modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-250

I suppose the are two lines missing in /etc/modules.conf that say:

alias char-major-81-0 xxx
alias char-major-250 yyy

But what shall I enter for xxx and yyy ??
I've tried many of the compiled modules, but don't get it working.

Is there anything additional to do?

I know nearly nothing about modules and how they are loaded via /etc/modules. So, please don't assume anything as selfunderstood. Perhaps a little detail that you mention may bring the solution for me.

Thanks for your answers.


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