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[linux-dvb] Re: channels.conf syntax?

I doubt that.  vdr's channels.conf is passwd-like and seems to work well .
It's only surface,
how about universal channel list with geographic settings,
scanning and getting duplicate entries...
one day VDR needs to integrate with TV or one day it gets
better decoder, able to decode several programs at the same TS ->
all of the above will lead to discarding the channel database
and inventing something more suitable
What I'm doing with vdr's channels file is just import that into
xawtv's config database.  Dumping it in smb-like syntax ist just a
single line of code then ...
If you both use XML (it even doesn't have to be same XML syntax),
you could have independend XSL transformation 'config
importers/exporters' that can convert from xawtv to vdr and vice
versa! Imagine, config files exchangeable and you don't need to
even, touch you application, just change *.xsl filter files

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