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[linux-dvb] Re: [PATCH] SS2 : Fix for OpenWholeBandWidth

Roberto Ragusa wrote:
On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 15:26:30 +0100
Holger Waechtler <> wrote:

3) to have stream1/stream2/pcr/pmt/emm/ecm specific routines, given that
it looks like they have no particular specialization, they're just generic
yes. Depending on the content it might make more sense to request section-, PES- or TS-filters.

If I'm not misunderstanding the code, the skystar2 driver has some
HW filter "slots" called stream1/2/ecm... but they are used without any
specific strategy. It's just a "use the first free slot" rule.
The "if(free) use(this)" chain is ugly and pointless, IMHO. I would use
a for loop (or something better).
:) feel free to improve this, we'll appreciate ever patch improving the code...

yes, definitely. Can you please prepare a patch for the dvb-kernel CVS tree to resolve this?

I'm not running 2.6, but I'll set up my system to check correct
compilation at least.
You can build the dvb-kernel source for 2.4 kernels using the Makefiles in build-2.4/. Call the getlinks script and then type 'make'.


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