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[linuxtv-softmpeg] Re: A question about softmpeg usage.

Hello Carsten,

On 20.02.2004 20:56, wrote:
I would like to use libsoftmpeg to play an mpeg stream from some other source than a DVB card. I wrote a little test app that just feeds it with a program stream file from the disk for now. I use the cle266 directfb driver.

I got up to the point where It actually displays something and makes some noise. But it's literly noise, garbled audio and video. I get this messages from avcodec:

During that process I discovered some problems with the stream handling in softmpeg_decoder_process_pes_data that's why I posted my previous change. I also noticed some other thing in audio.c it refuses to initialize the audio with 44100Hz is there a reason for that . I changed the code so it accepts the 44100 sampling rate. I get this results
Arg, a typo: the 41000 should be the 44100.

So I suppose softmpeg_decoder_process_pes_data needs the data comming in at the right time. In other words it doesn't block if the internal buffers are full. Is that correct, or am I totally on the wrong track?
Currently it simply blocks the amount of time returned by the audio_handle_pes_data() function.

But of course this should be changed: the calling program should be told this delay, so it can handle this by itself.

regards Carsten
Please note that playback from a file contains many more ptifalls (have a look at my other mail about the "pause" problems). The solutions are currently work-in-progress.


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