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[linuxtv-softmpeg] Re: VDR / softmpeg requirements

Michael Hunold wrote:


On 06/09/04 19:29, Nicolas Huillard wrote:

I would like to have clear requirements for the system to work :
My main developing and testing machine is a EPIA M10000.
I just obtained 20-40% CPU on that same machne : that's great.

* I have kernel 2.6.6 in a Debian testing install, I can recompile and
tweak ther kernel as I wish...
I haven't used 2.6 so far, I'm fine with 2.4.25
2.4.26 definitely work better than 2.6.6 :
* NPTL thread library is not VDR friendly (or the other way around)
* the viafb adapted to 2.6 is not DirectFB-up-to-date
I still had problems with the DVB drivers, but I think it was a compilation problem. I now have the 1.1.1 series.

* I patched the kernel with the -epia patch from
I'm using a vanilla kernel, with ALSA sound drivers.
I still have problems with lm-sensors / i2c on 2.4.26, but that's another point, maybe related to Debian testing only...

* what version of the viafb must I use ? (the -epia kernel patch doc
says the viafb come from, but I'm not sure)
The one in the -epia2 kernel patch is the same (except for the refresh= module parameter, present in the patch, and not in CSV...)

* can I / must I compile viafb as a module, or in-kernel
As a module.

* can I / shoudn't I also compile vesafb (in-kernel, as a module) ?
No, don't do that. vesafb will grab you gfx adapter.
I did compile vesafb as a module, but didn't load it. This was just to have to opportunity to load cle266vgaio on top of vesafb (

* is there any other module that I should compile, are the versions
important ? (agpgart, via_v4l_drv, drm, fusion, fbgen (?), etc.)
If you plan to compile DirectFB with multiapplication core, you'll need fusion:

* what order should these modules be loaded, if compiled as modules ?

* what version of DirectFB should I use ? (I tried 0.9.20 from Debian
testing, and a self compiled 0.9.21-cvs, checked out last sunday)
Bleeding edge CVS. ;-)

 > * what other DirectFB libraries should I use ? (FusionSound, etc.)

FusionSound is mandatory, so is libavcodec. I'm still using 0.4.8

* my /etc/fb.modes file came from Debian, and does not seem to be suited
to the CLE266 : is there a source for a good fb.modes file ?
I'm using:

mode "720x576-50Hz-16bit"
    geometry 720 576 720 576 32
    timings 31208 144 40 32 10 128 3
    bcast true

* what screen resolution works best with VDR/softmpeg, and how can I
check working screen resolutions (when I have vga=ask in lilo.conf, and
viafb compiled-in, a scan of available modes freezes the kernel).

My startup looks like this:

# DirectFB multiapplication core
modprobe fusion

# viafb + set right mode
modprobe viafb refresh=50 mode=720x576 TVon=1 TVoverscan=1 bpp=32
This one set the refresh at 75Hz
I still didn't connect the S-Video to a TV...

fbset -a "720x576-50Hz-16bit"
Then this one set the refresh at 50Hz.

# video overlay covers all other layers, so don't use it directly
# (otherwise no translucent windows with vdr)
export DFB_CLE266_UNDERLAY=1

# DVB drivers
modprobe bttv i2c_hw=1 card=0x71
modprobe dvb-bt8xx
modprobe dst



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