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[vdr] Re : VDR files to vob

Rene Bartsch wrote:
> The DVB does, but with other players (MPlayer, M$ MediaPlayer with
> Elecard Plugin) you have green distortions at the beginning of EACH
> VDR-file. Maybe it's the A/V-delay in PES-streams. What contradicts to
> switch VDR to PS, which can be handled by nearly any player?

Has Klaus has commented previously, VDR is waiting for first I-Frame.
Now the question is Why do we have distortions replaying using Mplayer
or anything else ?

Could it be related to missing Video at the beginning of VDR file.
PVAStrumento is always saying 'Audio Starts Early' on PES to PS
conversion ?

Klaus, how do you discard Audio whose PTS is before the first I-Frame ?


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