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[vdr] Re: Real Live Meeting August 17th (follow up)

Hi Peter,

sorry for the delay!
It was really nice to have met you people. Greetings to your friends 
(maybe I will show up in the chat some day).

> We talked about some vdr-scipts you wrote (MP3 and something
> like Mastertimer). Would it be possible to share your work
> with us not so talented coders.

I`d like to release them for (hmm) more than two years (? something like 
that), but it doesn`t make sense without quite some polishing. I did 
send them to some people already (but only the talented coders ;-), but 
as I said in the meeting, no, I don`t wan`t to release them on the web 
right now.
These are scripts I essentially wrote while watching TV (and I don`t do 
this too much lately - thats why all the disk run full). They were 
intended to be used by me only in the beginning and there was never 
really time to do more than what was necessary to get the intended 
function. They heavily depend on my setting (and now I`m without them 
for three weeks too because I didn`t bring them to my new vdr yet). And 
there is no documentation what so ever. But now everybody who saw the 
features ask for it, so I really try to do my best.
Time is _the_ big problem here, so don`t hold your breath.

If you`re really interested and push me a bit, we could make them ready 
one after the other?! Which one would you be interested most?
I`ll send you an article in which I discribed the functionality about a 
year ago if you like (6MB).

Ok, I`ll need to get a bit of sleep now, have to go to work soon.

Grüße ins Ländle :-)


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