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[vdr] Re: Mux A / Channel 5 UK DVB-TbrokenwithVDR,dvbstream works...

At 20:01 09/01/2003, you wrote:
> I'm kind of thinking the TS -> PES could be different than to dvbstream.
> Would there be an easy way to feed vdr with data from dvbstream and leaving
> the TS -> PES to dvbstream and the other way around, having dvbstream
> supply the TS only and letting vdr to TS -> PES?
> I've seen testcode in the remux.c to just pass through TS, but how about
> feeding data from a file / fifo?

If the data is already PS/PES you could simply rename it to 001.vdr. That way
you wouldn't have an index file, but that's probably not necessary for this test.
OK it passed that test (it was even a recording of a simulated earthquake - talk about fast movement). But all we know reading the dvbstream PES file off the disk and feeding to the decoder works.

What's the best (read: easiest heh) way to feed vdr some TS data from dvbstream (with known PIDs) and have it do the TS -> PES ?

- Gregor

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