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[vdr] Re: cDevice plugin API

* Stephan Bieker <> [030114 18:14]:
> A big advantage of putting it together would be a typical environment for
> every user. Look at this mailinglist. Nobody ever asks of where to store
> channels.conf and how it should look like, but if it comes to or
>, there are so many circumstances that "light" users often are
> very confused by all possibilities.

If you are using SuSE Linux 8.1, feel free to test the vdr-1.1.20 RPMs
found at

There you find an RPM for vdr-1.1.20 plus vdr-plugins-0.3, which
contains the following plugins:
* console (0.5.1)
* dvd (0.2.0)
* dxr3 (0.1.4) 
* lcdproc (0.0.8)
* mlcd (0.0.2)
* mp3/mplayer (0.7.9)
* prefermenu (0.4.0)
* remote (0.0.1)
* stream (0.1.0)
* streamc (0.0.1a) - streaming client
* teletext (0.7.6)
* tetris (0.2.2)
* tvtv (0.1.5)
* vcd (0.0.4)
* vdrc (0.0.8) - vdr commander (mc like tool)
* vdrcd (0.0.4)
* vdrmail (0.0.5)

Some of the plugins need some extra libraries that have not been part
of SuSE Linux 8.1. These libraries are provided at the same place as the
vdr packages.

If you miss a plugin in the list or something does not work appropriate
in your configuration, please drop me a note. Please understand, that
I can only provide RPMs for SuSE Linux 8.1 right now.

> It is very clear to me, that in the moment, where things are changing every
> second day (dvb, vdr, mplayer) no one has a real chance to do this, but i
> think, it would be a good conclusion in the near future, to build a "stable"
> release with enhanced _basic_ features.

Having a binary pack on top of different distributions is a bit ugly at
the moment, as there is a lot of work being done in regard to gcc and
g++, which means that a C++ program compiled with gcc 3.2 and above will
not work on a system with the gcc 2.95 versions of libstdc++ installed 
Thus, compiling via a script might be a nice idea, but you need a
compiler and such installed on the system you want to use vdr on.
I vote strongly for keeping the stuff available as plugins out of vdr,
to not make it a whole big bunch of unreadable code. Rather check and
see how the plugin interface can be improved so that more stuff can
be realized externally.

> Or is it a natural law, that linux users must have things complicated to be
> happy?..;-) This week i installed my server new with gentoo now and it was

If you want to work around that, use a distribution that builds the
packages for you ;-) 

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