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[vdr] Re: Feature request: output path for cutting


Also in this case the leading '%' sign is no longer necessary.

It is necessary because you would still want the link to the primary
video directory. Otherwise there would be a name collision.

I don't think its necessary, cause in my example all cutted videos went to /video/cut. So I know that these are cutted :-)

The idea about specifying a target directory is fine. But more important
for me is that all the files of a cutted recording (???.vdr, index.vdr,
marks.vdr, summary.vdr) are stored together at the destination and only
links from the primary video directory are used.
Currently I use a Perl script which does exactly this. I either specify
a target directory or none. In the first case all vdr files of a
recording are migrated to the target. In the second case it looks for a
directory with enough space and migrates all files to this destination.

I do it manually til now, but I think its time for me to make the cutting process easier.
When the free space on my video directory is too low, I start cutting the videos and afterwards I copy these to another partition on a different harddisk or to my server. I'd like to do the following:
- Creating the marks for all videos which I want to archive with VDR
- Starting a batch program which cuts all videos which have a new mark file and write the output to an archive directory.

Til now I am cutting one video and have to wait til the cutting process is done to mark the next recording.


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