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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.0.1 plugin


Petri Hintukainen wrote:

Other people have already been working on a similar plugin, but none of them
has either announced nor supplied a plugin to the community. Maybe, we can
join our efforts to release a very versatile plugin soon.
I uploaded sources to
(got it finally working again :)
This is good work too. I like the metronom control thingy.

When switching channels, it happes from time to time, that I get errors like the following:

sxfe_queue_pes_packet: packet not starting with 00 00 01 (== 00 00 00 00 00 00)
packet #4042, size=1038
demux_mpeg_pes:Unrecognised private stream 1 0x0b. Please report this to xine developers.

But it doesn't depend on a certain channel. When switching away from the channel and back again, most of the time it works then, but I didn't get it working for channel "PRO7". Although there are these errors, they do not desturb playback.

For any reason, I was not able to playback any recording I've taken during the past few days, because vdr crashed.

BTW: was there a certain reason, why you used "gcc" twice in the Makefile instead of "$(CC)"?

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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