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[vdr] Re: Recording and watching encypted channels

Jan Ekholm wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> >Jan Ekholm wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Is it normal and designed behaviour that a CAM can only decrypt one
> >> channel at a given time? So it is not possible to record one encrypted
> >> channel and watch another one at the same time? I can understand this
> >> limitation, it seems pretty logical.
> >>
> >> However, could one request a little feature for VDR that would warn the
> >> user that this is the case and that a recording will fail if the user zaps
> >> to other encrypted channels while doing a recording? I did this a few days
> >> ago, and VDR happily let me zap to any other encrypted after the recording
> >> had been started, thus ruining the recording. Maybe some mechanism that
> >> says that "the CAM is now locked, no other encrypted channels available"
> >> would solve the problem? Or are there deeper issues that I have no idea
> >> about?
> >
> >I would expect that you _can't_ switch to an encrypted channel while
> >there is a recording going on that uses that card.
> >
> >Which version of VDR are you using?
> >What patches/plugins?
> VDR 1.3.3. It was the first timer we had on an encrypted channel, so I sat
> and watched the actual channel until I saw that the recording started.
> After that I switched away from the channel, as I wanted to watch the show
> later with my wife. VDR did not protest in any way, and I happily zapped
> on other encrypted channels. At the end of the recorded show I switched
> back to it as saw the last 30s + the ending credits so that I could
> manually stop the timer at the right time (another timer was about to
> start on a totally different channel).
> When we watched the recording I say the first few seconds that I saw
> before switching away, then a flash of garbage and then VDR skipped to the
> last 30s + ending credits. So during the time I was zapping on other
> channels nothing got recorded.
> No extra patches, dvb-2003-11-08, the MP3 plugin and two own plugins that
> do not interfere in any way.
> Maybe it is possible to switch between encrypted channels on the same
> frequency/multiplex? I only zapped on channels on that one frequency,
> never entering any FTA channels.

I'll need to test this on my system to see what's going wrong there.
Just one more question: how many DVB cards do you have? And which
card is the CAM connected to?


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