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[vdr] Re: Howto route audio through soundcard

> > A DTS decoder software is new for me.  And AFAIK the DTS Inc. had
> > never opened their standards to ATCS nor to us, the OpenSource community.
> > If there is a DTS decoder software then this have changed :^)
> See:
> > AFAIK the current a52dec lib should be able to use ALSA and if your
> > sound card is supported with multi channel output  it should works
> > simply with `-a' option.   AFAIK there is also a plugin around doing
> > the same stuff from Marcel Wiesweg.
> Must be the wrong Person. Do you have a command line example?

It`s the right person.
and you know why it`s unofficial.

However, this is not about normal MP2 stereo sound. It`s only about AC3 (ZDF, 
Sat1, Pro7).


> Thanks,
> Andreas

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