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[vdr] Re: Still problems with streamdev-0.3.1

> Since you have two full featured cards, can you imagine that this problem
> have to do with the UPT/broken/lost datastream error? I am asking because:

Sorry, but I don't have 2 FF cards. I'm using a FF1.6 and a Nova.

> To confirm this, you could wait until you have such an error again (look
> buffer stats: 0 (0%) used) and then try to pause the same channel on the
> server. If this works (make sure both streamdev and recording are using
> same device) or doesn't work, we'll know more.
So I have to:

1) wait until I get the error

2) go to the server and switch to the channel the error occured on

3) press record

4) The server should now use the Nova card to do this recording. If the
recording fails I have the UPT error.

I'll try...


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