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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Sharemarks Project 0.1

Hello Lars,

On Monday 12 April 2004 22:04, Lars von Wedel wrote:
> Hello,
> > I would like to announce the release 0.1 of the Sharemarks Project,
> > which is,
> > we believe, ready for every day usage :-)
> Very interesting, I had this same idea a few weeks ago. Seeing a technical
> realization is a lot more though!
> I'll give it a try in the next few days...

Well, the mapping of VDR Marks to PTS was not that difficult, but some other 
things caused a bit of headache. It turned out not to be that easy to 
identify the channel, for example ;-)

> Just a remark (that you probably already thought of yourself): to me this
> seems to be an ideal candidate for a peer-to-peer solution, e.g. based on
> the model of BitTorrent. Marks would be shared between peers as long as
> they are of interest (some time after the recording finished).

Well, thats certainly an option, for now we will stick to the central 
web-server, since this is very easy to automate. And we are sure that we have 
central repository containing all marks. 

The main challenge for the moment is to get enough participants, so that the 
whole thing can really take off. I hope we can convince people to upload 
their marks automatically after cutting, then the database on the web server 
will be filled quickly.



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