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[vdr] Re: OT: RGB Component from J2


Awk, hit the send button too soon: I wrote:

"If your just looking for protection, you can
 run my piggyback board."

Forgot to mention, this protection PCB will ALSO
protect the FBAS output on the rear of the DVB 
card. This feature is par to none of the other, hmm
-- let's say -- less professional attempts.

Of course TBE uses a very similar cicuit, so that here
too the FBAS output is protected.

As a matter of fact we (that is TBE and I) designed the
protection part  together via Email ;o)) His idea was to
limit the backward flowing current via resistors and
my idea was to clamp the video lines via Schottkey
diodes and a voltage reference.

Either way you go, don't substitute any of the diodes!
These are "hand picked" by specs and don't add a whole
lot of capacitance to the video lines, which would load
the video lines and degrade the picture quality.


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