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[vdr] Re: Vdr and DVI-out + 5.1 AC-3

Nicolas Huillard schrieb:

Thomas Weber wrote:

Stefan Norberg schrieb:

2) Are there any stable options for doing so? Directfb vs Xv-xine vs
softdevice vs ... It's a bit confusing and documentation seems to be
You should take a look at tvtime ( ). It uses a X server and thus the gfx-card output. Further it features a nice deinterlacer and some other goodies like 16:9 output.

Do you suggest tvtime as a complete replacement for VDR, or is there a way to integrate both (like a vdr-tvtime-plugin) ?
Neither way. Tvtime is just like a "viewer" for vdr. It connects via /dev/video0 to the DVB card and displays the picture on the grafik card output. Just like xawtv does...
There is no plugin needed. If one uses lirc, its possible to control tvtime (16:9 switching for example) with the remote control as well ( see ).

It would be, however, very nice if we were able to connect mplayer and tvtime. So the mplayer-plugin's mpeg2 recoding (vo:mpegpes) wouldnt be needed anymore.
Any guesses for such a feature? Is it possible to use video4linux as a output device for mplayer (mplayer > /dev/video2 for example)?

Thomas Weber

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