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[vdr] Re: vdr 1.2.6, Nexus & Hyperthreading/SMP

Udo Wolter wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Juri Haberland wrote:

>> Nope. Must be specific to your setup. As I write this mail I'm recording
>> four programms (all on the same frequency) with one DVB-T premium card.
>> It works, but VDR get's real sluggish on P4-2.4GHz.
> And 3 recordings are smooth enough ? And you don't get any pixels
> or other noise in the streams ? BTW, what kind of card you are using
> for DVB-T ? And maybe the price...:) (I still have PCI slots free...)

Yes, 3 recordings are smooth, without errors. It's a TechnoTrend DVB-T
1.2 (aka full-featured aka premium aka Nexus). I have a look at for a decent price.


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