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[vdr] Handling of reccmds.conf and commands.conf


we are currently working on some improvements for the official VDR Debian package. As already done in the c't VDR distribution, we want to create the reccmds.conf and commands.conf dynamically when vdr starts, so that other packages can register their own commands (like vdrconvert, noad, ...).
But this brings up a small problem with FHS conformity, because the generated commands/reccmds.conf must be written to VDR's config directory (etc/vdr). This is not the best place for generated files. A small patch to vdr could fix this, but before I'm doing so, I would like to now, if maybe other people around have the same problem and are interested in a more general solution. If so, maybe Klaus will build this in the next official version? What I think of, is something like this:

vdr -C /var/cache/vdr/commands.conf -R /var/cache/vdr/reccmds.conf

or maybe even better (like the -P for the plugins):

vdr -C /foo/bar/commands.vdrconvert.conf -C /bar/foo/commands.noad.conf



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