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[vdr] Re: Handling of reccmds.conf and commands.conf

Tobias Grimm wrote:
> Hi,
> we are currently working on some improvements for the official VDR Debian
> package. As already done in the c't VDR distribution, we want to create the
> reccmds.conf and commands.conf dynamically when vdr starts, so that other
> packages can register their own commands (like vdrconvert, noad, ...).
> But this brings up a small problem with FHS conformity, because the generated
> commands/reccmds.conf must be written to VDR's config directory (etc/vdr). This
> is not the best place for generated files. A small patch to vdr could fix this,
> but before I'm doing so, I would like to now, if maybe other people around have
> the same problem and are interested in a more general solution. If so, maybe
> Klaus will build this in the next official version? What I think of, is
> something like this:
> vdr -C /var/cache/vdr/commands.conf -R /var/cache/vdr/reccmds.conf
> or maybe even better (like the -P for the plugins):
> vdr -C /foo/bar/commands.vdrconvert.conf -C /bar/foo/commands.noad.conf

Why don't you simply make /etc/vdr/commands.conf a symbolic link to


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