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[vdr] Re: DVB Subtitles for VDR 1.3.6

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Timo Helkiö wrote:

> Hi, Rolf Ahrenberg has maintained a combined teletext- and
> videosubtitles patch and also for 1.3.6 you can find it at
> It works perfectly for me, I do not understand, why he says, that patch
> is "test-version". You may have to install both plugins to get VDR
> compiled, but the extra one should make no big difference for you.
>     Timo

Well, the test version warning is only inform that the patches are 100%
unofficial and possibly non-working (however the current versions seem to
work quite nicely in my system - and they even contain some fixes for the
originals too). I also have a bad habit to modify my files without
incrementing the version number or updating the changelogs, so you _might_
ruining your nice vdr setup with my monday patch...

However, if you don't need the ttxtsubs, you probably shouldn't install
it at all, because if the txtsubs data is missing your zapping speed is
slowed down a bit too (never underestimate the power of placebo effects :)


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