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[vdr] Re: Streaming radio with streamdev

I am also trying to get streaming audio+video using streamdev and vdr-1.3.11
to Windows Media Player 9.  What I am currently trying to use is VLC.  

vlc -vvv --sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3, vb=256,
acodec=mpga, ab=128, width=320,

The only problem is that I get video but no audio.  It appears that vlc is
using ffmpeg to transcode the mpeg2 audio, but it is attaching mpeg3 (MP3)
headers to it.  Is there a better way? Can you explain how you got
audio+vidio to work?

Thank You,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Streaming radio with streamdev
> Hello everyone,
> I'm using VDR 1.3.11 and streamdev plugin.
> I can successfully stream audio+video from VDR to Windows 
> Media Player 9 (yes, 
> audio works too thanks to people :) even though 
> this is kind of 
> choppy).
> What I would like to do now is to be able to stream radio channels.
> I can successfully stream the sound only (using "novideo" in 
> ffserver.conf) 
> from a normal video+audio channel. But when I try to do 
> exactly the same on a 
> radio channel (which has no video), I get nothing when 
> starting ffmpeg. 
> Any known restriction in this case?
> Thanks,
> Olivier.

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