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[vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Re: Problems switching to dvb-kernel

Am Freitag, 10. September 2004 16:19 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> I even managed to compile the driver on a machine that is actually running
> kernel 2.4.20, because that's a much faster machine, which I will not (yet)
> update to kernel 2.6. I'll post a separate message on the driver ML with
> a summary of what it takes to "cross compile" the driver.

There still is a 2.4 branch of dvb-kernel, which has been separated from 2.6 
only some time ago...

> However, the latest greatest dvb-kernel driver still has the dropout
> problem every few seconds, so I guess I'll need to find out what I did in
> the old DVB driver to fix (or at least work around) this, and see whether
> somebody has removed that fix/workaround in dvb-kernel...

Could you be some more precise about this drop-out problem, since I don't know 
what you mean currently. I have switched my VDR to the latest CVS (1.9. to be 
precise) of the 2.4 branch of dvb-kernel (no problems that I didn't have 
before), and even plan to use 2.6 soon, so I'd like to know if I will be 
running into any trouble before that :-).


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