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[vdr] Re: How to kill an svdrp connection from vdr ?

Gregoire Favre wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 03:07:59PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > QUIT is an SVDRP command.
> > It ends the current SVDRP session.
> > > to Divx: "your QUIT" && /usr/local/bin/TODIVX && " MESG fertig"
> Well, OK, but then how to use it ?
> The connection is open due to xawtv controlling VDR, so I cannot kill
> the connection from outside VDR and keep controlling VDR...
> That's the reason I ask for an example on how to use it :-)

The program that has the SVDRP connection open ('xawtv' in your case)
must send the QUIT command.

> >From my point of view the uniqueness of the SVDRP is a complete
> nonsense... And I really hope this will change :-)

Allowing more than one concurrent SVDRP connection would require
extensive locking mechanisms to avoid problems when accessing timers
etc. That's why there is (currently) only one SVDRP connection possible.


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