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[vdr] Re: epia + VGA output

Thomas Glomann a écrit :
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 20:07, Nicolas Huillard wrote:

Thomas Glomann a écrit :

epia-m 6000 (passive cooled cpu) together w/ a ff card works perfectly.
Didn't try any of the soft plugins like but i think the 600 Mhz C3 is not
softdevice + DirectFB could do it (still a little tuning to do in the
plugin to get it smooth, but I get 40-50% CPU on my 1Ghz Nehemiah, so
600Mhz should do it)
If it's up to 50 % at 1 Ghz then it is probably 80-90% at 600 Mhz. hm. might work but I wouldn't count on it. not much room for any other tasks. imagine mp3 playback with live background. ssh sessions running in the
It depends on what you plan to do. SSH is really cheap (CPU-wise). Don't underestimate the performance of current processors (I'm really disgusted by Intel P4 HT ads : "with HT 3GHz, you can now read your mails and surf the web at the same time !"... that was the same with PPro 200Mhz)
I ran many SSH + 1 IPSec tunnel + firewall + file server + SMTP mail relay + IMAP server + DHCP, NTP et al. on a 486DX2/66Mhz (passively cooled !!!), which did not show clear evidence of being underpowered. What made me change was the fact that OGG didn't play on that platform and the HDD was really too noisy. It is now a Cyrix P200+ @ 166Mhz with a huge heatsink and really low speed fan. The next limit is the BIOS limitation to 30GB HDD max.
When you really want to get the most out of available hardware, you can do it, and you can be impressed...

background. ... however, there are some howtos to get a 1 Ghz passively cooled I think.
I put a Zalman NB47J (exact reference not verified) on top of the processor, removed the tiny fan, and put a 8cm low speed extractor fan on the chassis just on top of the heatsink. This is a fanless processor which appear to have an extractor just on top it it ;-)
This is still too noisy for me in an open environment : the top-position of the fan makes noise go up direct to the ear... Will certainly change when the box will be inside the stereo furniture. I tested the fan as an extractor or as an injector : when it extracts air, and thanks to holes at the other end of the box, just below the HDD, the HDD is also cooled.
See photos on (attention : images are still uploading / large 1MB images)

vdr-xine + Xv + XvMC is reported to work : 20-30% CPU @ 1Ghz.

oh, it really works? but you would need X wouldn't you? I rather prefer the softdevice + DFB solution with hardware decoding. I was following your posts about that and it seemed that you didn't have any success so far.
I don't count on softdevice + hardware MPEG decoding, but still want hardware accelerated OSD transparency + video scaling / deinterlacing (I think that's easier than MPEG decoding).
Maybe you can revive softmpeg + hardware MPEG patches ?


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