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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-epgsearch-0.0.3


there is a new release of my epgsearch-plugin. I tried further to give it the functionality of 
the previous repeating-epg-patch.

Whats new?
- Added an ASCII-based progress bar to the 'what's on now' view of the
schedules. (Usage and display width customizable by setup).
- Added up to 4 user defined times besides "now" and "next"
  (you can use this for example for "primetime" or "late night")
- Renamed plugin main entry from "EPG search" to "Search"
- Added duration to search criterions
- Added commands menu in 'search results' list
- Behaviour of red key is now the same in 'search results' as
  in main menu of the plugin.
- Updated history and readme's

What is it about?
EPG-Search can be used as a replacement for the default schedules
menu entry. It shows repeatings of schedule entries and allows you
to search the EPG. Your search parameters are stored to reuse
the search later on. You can also execute commands on epg entries,
e.g. to add an autotimer for the selected item. You can also extend
the green button behaviour (now, next) with up to 4 additional user
defined times (e.g. primetime, late night) and use a progress bar
(ASCII based) in the 'What's on now?' view.

Screenshots can be found at:


Christian Wieninger

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  vdr-epgsearch-0.0.3.tgz
     Datum/Date:  8 Nov 2004, 22:28
     Größe/Size:  30647 bytes.
     Typ/Type:    Unbekannt

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