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[linux-dvb] CI already low priority ???


vdr / dvb-linux may run in legal problems, if there is no CI support (or 
support for old CIs only): If the only way to get Premiere is by softcam, 
emulator etc. people will do so. I think it is illegal to watch pay tv 
without a matching smartcard which is authorized by pay tv vendor. It would 
be bad if vdr / linux / dvb-linux become known as hacker/cracker tool. Ask 
the author of dvb2000 what happens then. If Convergence is not able to setup 
a CI interface there are several possible solutions: 

1. Usage of the Technotrend driver instead of Convergence driver
2. If Convergence would setup a api to Linux so other programmers could 
write sw for CI support. CI module could be inserted in a PCMCIA / PCI 
adaptor card
3. Convergence creates full support for CI modules
not a solution: 4. A softcam like mgcam. 


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