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[linux-dvb] Re: CI already low priority ???

Mittwoch, 14. August 2002 at 13:07 Christian wrote:

> vdr / dvb-linux may run in legal problems, if there is no CI support (or
> support for old CIs only): If the only way to get Premiere is by softcam, 
> emulator etc. people will do so. I think it is illegal to watch pay tv 
> without a matching smartcard which is authorized by pay tv vendor.

I agree to that. But aren't there DVB/CI/CAM combinations, that already
run under linux? I think I remember several mails to the list, where
people reported, that they can watch encrypted broadcasts.

I only have a budget-card and so I can't speak of my own experiences,
but from reading the list, I get the impression, that all that's missing
is a stable and reliable hardware-setup and maybe a better CI-support
by the convergence drivers.
Since I'm subscribed to Premiere, I'm very interested in this stuff. But
I don't want to spend lots of money on a full featured dvb-s card, a
CI-Module, a CAM and what else is needed, without being shure, that it
works under linux.

Ok, let's set up a poll to all readers of the list:

1. Are you able to watch encrypted tv-channels and if, which hardware
   components do you use?
2. Is it working stable or do you have problems with decryption?

Maybe this way we get some hints, which hardware one can use to watch
Pay-TV like Premiere under linux.

Best regards
Wolfgang Wershofen                  

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