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[linux-dvb] Future of linux dvb

=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Harri_Pietil=E4?= writes:
 > Hi all!
 > I was just wondering what is the future of linux dvb?
 > Mainly my concerns are (at the moment):
 > - will the NEWSTRUCT -branch be the api that all use? (companies,
 > individuals, projects, ...) Many companies refer to the linux dvb api,
 > will the change to version 2?

Hopefully, it will be accepted once it is finished.
It's not like the API is to be viewed as given, but rather as open for
discussion. So, if people have suggestions for changes or additions
they should discuss it on the mailing list. The only major changes in
the NEWSTRUCT branch concerned the frontend (and the no longer
existent sec) device.

 > - will be the main site of driver and api development (no
 > news since April, although updates to things like VDR are available)

There is just no one updating the News section or feeling responsible
for the website. CVS is very active.

 > - will there be enough up-to-date documentation? (on sources, api,
 > developers, and such)

Isn't there already?
There will be a paper and a talk about the API at the next Linux-Kongress

 > - will there be enough open source in linux dvb development (many
 > companies develop this but hardly publish anything open source)

The kernel driver and the API are all open source.

 > - will linux dvb drivers be integrated into the kernel tree some day?
 > (is it possible if there are license issues?)

There is no license issue. We haven't formally send in any patches,
but Alan Cox has included the margi driver in his branch, which also
includes the API include files.

 > I hope you share your views. I am very interested in open source
 > development with linux and dvb. I have some project ideas and some
 > projects started already.

Ralph and I will use the API (or its improved versions) in any new
drivers we develope and use the GPL whenever possible. I can't talk
for Convergence or any other companies. 


| Dr. Marcus O.C. Metzler        |                                   |
|            |        |

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