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[vdr] Re: why doesnt vdr name an instant recording with the information from the epg data?

Ansgar Jonietz wrote:
> Hi,
> > the thought came just to my mind. is it a bug or a feature? or just a missing feature. me thinks it cant be so hard to do.
> Yes, I would suggest the same for manual timers with the channel name as
> title -- if I have to create a timer without EPG I don't enter a name
> because I hate text-input by remote control... On recording time VDR
> could set the name of the recording to the name in the EPG-info.
> BTW: What's about Showview-Support in VDR?
> Sometimes it is necessary to create a timer when no EPG info is
> available, and Showview would simplify this procedure. You only have to
> enter one number in which channel, date, time etc. is decoded.

Frankly, I never understood why it would be simpler to enter an arbitrary
number (which is - or at least was - only available in specific tv guides)
instead of channel/date/time. With channel/date/time I can see exactly
what will happen. With an arbitrary number I can only hope that this will
be the correct data. There will definitely be no ShowView support in VDR
(at least not from my side).


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