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[vdr] Re: feature request for mp3-plugin

> HI there!
> I think the black background of mp3-plugin is a littlebitt 
> boring, and the 
> live view isn't what I want. Now I was dreamin of a feature 
> of the mp3 plugin 
> that can display pictures or (maybe) little movies in the background, 
> depending on the album/title/artist. maybe its enough to 
> search for a file 
> with the same name of the mp3 and show this, if the mp3 is 
> played. Converting 
> pictures to mpegs , shouldn't be the problem. don't now if it 
> is possible, to 
> show 1-frame-mpegs trough a longer duration. 
> Is there anyone who think, that such an album-displayer could 
> be usefull for 
> the mp3-plugin? And since I think I don't have the 
> capabilities to do that, 
> is the idea good enough, that anyone is willingly to do that ? 
> Thanks for replys
> Steffen

Actually ID3v2 has the possibility to attach a jpg-picture to the track
info. This is meant e.g. the album cover.
Mayby we can utilize the still picture viewer to show this while the track
is beeing played.


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