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[vdr] Re: VDR feature request - Keyboard led indicators.

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Marko Myllymäki wrote:

>I was referring to a plugin on page
> this does turn on led on power
>and flashes it when recording, whight that we are not talking about same
>plugin after all ;).

Ok, it's the same. A new version now should do what you want. Look in
led.c for the lines:

    // so, anything active anymore?
    if ( m_replays == 0 ) {
        // no active replays anymore, do something
        // system ( "parout 1" );

    else {
        // we have at least one going on, do something
        //system ( "parout 3" );

And remove the // from the system() lines, and change the calls to
whatever you want. I use "parout" which is a minimal little tool for
writing the given value to a parallel port (1=VDR on, 2=recording on,
3=both on).

After you've changed the line, build the plugin use "make all".

         In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
                                        -- Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

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