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[vdr] Re: svdr commands in epg menu?

At Freitag, 14. November 2003 15:45 Uwe Ortner wrote:
> > If you are using a client of te streamdev plugin, shouldn't all
> > commands be done through that plugin? Why would you need axtra
> > buttons in the EPG menu?
> yes, you are right, unfortunately it is not in streamdev (I think there
> are some here which suffer ...)

The problem is, that there is currently no way to hook into VDR's menus, so 
there is no way to let the plugin know, that the user created a timer on 
the client, so it can transfer it to the server.

@Klaus: I don't know if you are aware of that, VDR itself can be a client to 
streamdev, so all UI stuff is locally on the client, but the video data is 

The only solutions I could think of would be a) patching VDR in a way Uwe 
suggested or b) copy VDR's timer- and recording-stuff into an own submenu 
within the PlugIn (for the client side), which is both not what I really 
want. But if there is no solution to this until 1.3, I'll think of that.

The main reason why I'm currently skipping those features is that I want to 
wait for 1.3 and see what has been done in that area until then :-). Well 
the second reason is lack of time (as for most of us I guess).


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