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[vdr] Re: xine-plugin AND Configurable LNB-Sharing ?


I've just tuned to

SSR-La 1ere;Radio Suisse Romande:12398:hC34:S13.0E:27500:0:217:0:0:927:318:8500:0

and I get the same FIXME's with and without the LNB sharing patch applied. On my vdr-xine-0.6.1pre2 it looks like that:

todo: 1900, (6 + len): 2048 FIXME: xineDevice.c:855
FIXME: xineDevice.c:728
FIXME: xineDevice.c:861
FIXME: xineDevice.c:895
FIXME: xineDevice.c:721

The actual reason is that VDR doesn't give me a complete PES packet (it's to short at line 855 and the remainder then doesn't start like a PES packet in line 861) although PlayVideo()/PlayAudio() is said to give one or more "complete" packets.

I'll have a look at this issue the next days.

Did I get you right some weeks ago that a VDR with new buffer handling (e. g. 1.3.16) feeds "one or more complete" PES packets to PlayVideo()/PlayAudio()?

At least as long PlayVideo() returns the size of complete packets, the next call to PlayVideo() should get at data block which starts with 0x00 0x00 0x01. So a possible fix within vdr-xine would be to return the size of the complete packets.

But this doesn't work for PlayAudio() as there is no return value. A possible fix would there be to buffer the remainder internally and to assemble the complete packet on the next call to PlayAudio().

But I don't like the idea of buffering and reassembling the PES packets over and over again as this was already the job of VDR's remuxer. It has a bad impact on CPU load especially on less powerful machines.

If you agree to "complete" packets I could have a look into this issue and provide a patch (for the case that I can find a solution).

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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