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[vdr] Re: dvd burn plugin for NTSC (scrolling menu)

> Thanks for your reply (yes, I am also having severe A/V desync with the
> dvd-burn plugin as well).  So if tcmplex has trouble with A/V desync, is
> there a way to fix the vdr-burn plugin to use mplex instead as well?
> This is what I see in render.c..
> render.c: "%1$s/menu-bg-%2$d.m2v && tcmplex -i %1$s/menu-bg-%2$d.m2v -p "
> Appreciate your suggestions..

I can only suggest you look at the output of mplex and try and match the 
variables that the render.c application provides to what mplex needs.  The 
only option that works for me with mplex where vdrconvert is used is -f 8.  
vdrconvert uses dvdauthor and I guess the -f 9 option doesn't mark the output 
properly and dvdauthor can't find the markings properly.  I would assume 
dvd-burn would be the same thing.  I have dvd-burn installed too so maybe 
I'll take a peek but if you get it working let me know.


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