thanks for your hints so far, but before buying new cards i'd like to clarify if the problem is related to HW or SW.
Is there a way to detect from a recording if it was recorded on card 0 or card 1? Is there a way to code this into the recording name?
Or is there any other way i can narrow the down what influences this problem?
Best regards Torsten
Am Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013, 23:30:09 schrieb Torsten Mohr:
I gave up on this card. It has been about 2 years since I last tried it, but the driver (mantis) had (and most likely still has) serious problems with some DMA timeouts, IIRC. Running irqbalance di help a little bit, but in the end I replaced the cards with something less broken.
thanks for that hint. I spent some extra effort to get this card, it was hardly available at all.
These cards worked fine in my previous VDR, i never experienced problems there.
But on the other hand, what cards would you recommend? A double tuner would be preferred (DVB-C).
Best regards Torsten
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