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[vdr] Re: VDR-binarys (was Re: cDevice plugin API)

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 18:40, you wrote:
> > If you want to work around that, use a distribution that builds the
> > packages for you ;-)
> What about providing SRPMs? You set up a list which libraries have to be
> available on a system (you could also add which widespread distros have a
> green for your SRPMs) You could also include libs like ffmpeg to that
> SRPMs.

providing the SRPMS would really be nice. Please please!! do so! I currently 
digging in how this work and would love to adapt it to my current distro.

> The user would simply do a rpm --rebuild VDR-1.x.x.srpm and get all the
> RPMs for his specific machine/distro. Then he'd just install the RPMs not
> given on his system.

build for his specific machine yes , for his specific distro no, since there 
have to be the specfile adapted to the distro otherwise you will run in a 
bunch of work in recognizing the distro and all needed work for different 

> I haven't digged into SRPM, yet, but I've read that you even can give
> make-options when starting you RPM-build.
Yes you can specify a lot in the specfile.

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