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[vdr] Re: vdr + dxr3 plugin not quite right

I finally had some success with this yesterday :-) I am using
vdr-1.1.21 and linux-dvb.2002-12-08

I made a few entries in the channels.conf by copying info from
my Nokia STB's info screen.

It seems vdr/vdr-dxr3 doesn't work too well without a signal, the
OSD shows up fine when the system is displaying a TV picture.


On 01/25/03 15:42, Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:
At 15:34 25/01/2003, you wrote:

The results are variable using VDR. I am using the keyboard as
remote, often the OSD will not appear when I press the menu key.
I don't think VDR has crashed but how can I tell?

I'm having severe problems with DVB-T -> DVB-s card, 1.1.20+ / new drivers and some channels in the UK. Transfermode just won't start every so often.

Unfortunately no one else on the list has recently reported whether they have 1.1.2x fully working 1.1.2x with new drivers and DVB-T in the UK...

Try 1.1.13 with 0.9.4 drivers that works fine for me here.....

- Gregor

Simeon Walker,                      email:
School of Biological Sciences,      phone: +44 (0)1248 383702
University of Wales, Bangor,        fax: +44 (0)1248 382569
Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK.              www:

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