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[vdr] Re: VDR version 1.2.5pre2 pre-release

* Klaus Schmidinger schrieb am 14.09.03, um 12:15 Uhr:
> Good idea. However, I've changed this to be
>    Diseqcs.Load(AddDirectory(ConfigDirectory, "diseqc.conf"), true, Setup.DiSEqC) &&
> The third parameter to AddDirectory() tells whether this is a required file.
> This way it will be read when it's there, even if Setup.DiSEqC is 0, which
> is important if somebody starts VDR and then, inside VDR, sets Setup.DiSEqC
> to 1.

Ok, thats good to hear, now i can remove my 0-byte diseqc.conf again.

> "Director" is not an officially defined key, so I'm reluctant to
> make this change. I'd like a typo in key names to be reported immediately.
> Version 1.3 will most likely introduce such a function officially.

Ok, it was just a suggestion, seems that i have to create a second
config-dir for vdr with autopid.

> This has already been suggested by Alexander Wetzel <>.
> It's not enough to just return 'false' here, you also have to do
>          macro[--n] = kNone;
> otherwise a different function might be executed when pressing that key.
> Will be changed in 1.2.5.

Thats fine to hear too. 

Another thing, i would like to know is, if it would be possible that
keymacros in the form "Key @pluginname" start a plugin, even if this
plugin has a hidden main menu entry? (Background: I made a patch for
the prefermenu-plugin, to hide its main menu entry, but after this was
working, i realized that the keymacro does not work anymore - instead
calling the prefermenu the Schedule-Menu is called.)

> VDR already prints a detailed error message to 'stderr' at all places
> where it returns '2', so I don't really see the benefit in this
> additional message. It might even distract the user from the
> actual error message. Or am I missing something?

Seems that i should have tested the normal runvdr-script before saying
this. (I'm using a modified one, which is called from my
init-script, and there i do not see messages to stderr.) :)

Thomas Schmidt

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