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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: restart on UPT

Hi Klaus,

Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

Strange... I don't see why this would cause a delay when exiting VDR.
Seems that 'video data stream broken' take 30 seconds each time after starting the receiver thread, while UPT takes from 0 to 15 seconds, but most times one or two seconds.

How much more time are we talking about?
half a minute.

I just did some grep on my syslog. During the last month I had 7 UPT and 27 VDSB ,-) The UPT where on four days (25th, 26th, 28th and 29th of January) with four intermixing VDSB. Perhaps it's due to comparable reasons, but nobody was annoyed by VDSB by now, because it was cured by restart automatically. May be the locking is a little bit faster with good weather and then an UPT occurs, otherwise an VDSB.

I didn't get any dots in my log up to now. But with an average of one restart a day, something should happen soon.


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