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[vdr] Re: two or more harddrives and performance (filesystemstreaming performance benchmark)


Emil Naepflein wrote:

Hi Jon,

Please let me know if you have any comments about these results or if you have some interesting results of your own.
yes, i can confirm the values to be close to what my stopwatch and du gave for real vdr performance.(2 recorings, one cutting and one de-multiplexing on console) give about 4,5 mb/s (Samsung/5400/2mb/80,120,160GB).


I will now change the primary filesystems to xfs which is not so good on
file deletions and see how the system behaves then.

If you find a reasonable easyway, would you mind posting a short summary how you did it :-)....
I don't have the guts to test xfs on my vdr w/o having heard about a succesfull mogration.

Cheers Onno


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