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[vdr] Re: Recording and watching encypted channels

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Jussi Alanärä wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:

>> What happens then when you start a recording/timer and try to zap? Maybe
>> the other card isn't really disabled?
>As I said earlier (or, at least tried ;), can't zap, channel not available
>for all channels except the one I'm recording.

Maybe there is some difference if VDR has to initialy change to a channel
when a timer starts, or if that channel already is being watched? Maybe
the latter case causes it to somehow not do something that would cause the
"Channel not available" message.

Anyway, it *is possible to somehow do it wrong, and I can try when I get
home tonight.

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