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[vdr] Re: Help needed

Norm Dressler wrote:

I'm using the RPM's that come with Mandrake 10
It should work fine. In case of problems you can try the plf version (but the standard one should have no problem decoding mpeg).
I cannot test it because the machine where I have the card installed is too slow (I'm waiting to receive a dxr3 card), but mplayer on another machine (connected to the receiver either with the streamdev plugin or with dbvstream) works fine (only with the streamdev plugin mplayer refuses to play the TS, it has to be PS, while it has no problem with dvbstream).
xine should also work (with streamdev it plays the TS fine).

-- plus the drivers also came pre-compiled with my 2.6.3-7 kernel with Mandrake 10 so I didn't compile from source. Shouldn't that already have what I need?
I suppose it depends on the card. Mine (a skystar 2, rev 2.3) works fine with mandake's drivers.

Playing /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0.
Cache Fill:  0.00%  (0 bytes)

It just sits there at this point.
No data available. Are you sure you tuned to an unencrypted channel?


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